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Hospitality & Destination

Plug into Luxury: The SimpsInn’s Leisure group choose to go local with Electric revolution

The Background

The SimpsInns group own 4 prestigious hospitality venues and is regarded as one of the top independent hoteliers in Ayrshire.

The SimpsInns hospitality venues & Connekt had a lot of shared values in being at the forefront of sustainability as well as both being independent privately companies based in Ayrshire.

SimpsInns were approached by several EV charging providers offering fully funded models which would entail the venues signing of their car park for long term contracts and receiving little to no revenue from their eco conscious EV driving guests.

After several meeting discussing our companies values, offerings and fit with each other, SimpsInns chose Connekt to install bespoke EV charging solutions at 3 of their venues - Starting with The Gailes Hotel and Spa, Followed by The Loans Inn and then the beautiful Waterside Hotel.  

The Solution

Connekt and the team at SimpsInns agreed that a charging solution that catered for guests visiting their restaurant, spa facilities, driving range as well as their overnight guests at the hotel was key and ticking all these boxes was exactly what took place.

Connekt Installed 1 x dual 22kw charging station & 1 x 7.4kw dual charging station (4 connectors in total).

The dual fast chargers will cater perfectly for visitors at the spa, restaurant or range who are in for a couple of hours and looking for a quick top up of charge whilst the 7.4kw overnight chargers catered perfectly for any guest traveling to visit the hotel. Not only will these facilities attract new EV driving clients who may have never visited before but the business has now got a financially sustainable solution in place.

This is made possible with the charging solution being integrated with Connekts management software on the Connekt network and then linked to the Get Connekted App for user to interact with the charging units and pay for their parking session which in turn allows the venue to cover the electricity costs for the charging facility.

“We had researched various models and businesses in the process of implementing an EV charging solution and Connekt offered the most comprehensive and compelling proposal. We think it is important to support local businesses where possible and the proximity of Connekt to SimpsInns was certainly a contributing factor. From initial discussions through to the site surveys, Johnny and the team have provided easy-to-understand and concise action plans that let us reassured we were in good hands!"

"Having onsite EV chargers has added a much sought after facility to our venues and provided new and existing guests the reassurance that they can charge their vehicles at their end destination.

From the get-go Connekt have provided, and continue to provide, a professional, efficient and seamless service. Whether it be a general enquiry or technical support, the team are always on hand and happy to help."

Jack Simpson - SimpsInns

“As a regular visitor of the SimpsInns venues and admirer of the success of the family owned business, I was absolutely delighted that the Simpson family chose Connekt to deliver a sustainable EV charging solution to their venues."

"Often successful local businesses vow to “keep business local” but sadly get caught in the headlights with the large corporate entities and slip back to giving them the business, so this was refreshing and a testament to values held by the family and to why they are such a success.

I am excited for Connekt to be rolling out the charging facilities at The Loans Inn and the Waterside Hotel in the coming weeks and look forward to this local business relationship going from strength to strength. “

Johnny Manning - Founder, Connekt

"From the get-go Connekt have provided, and continue to provide, a professional, efficient and seamless service. Whether it be a general enquiry or technical support, the team are always on hand and happy to help."

Jack Simpson - SimpsInns

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The Clever Bit

Our 22kw charging solution, based on an average 2 hour charging time offers roughly 180 miles of range – perfect for topping up your car charge whilst visiting for an overnight stay or grabbing a bite to eat. In addition to providing a convenient charging solution for visitors, our charging solution has helped with meeting meet their net zero and sustainability commitments. The chargers are connected to our back office system, with drivers signing up via our Get Connekted app.

This allows the business to manage and monitor their charging infrastructure, run reports and generate additional revenue by setting preferential tariffs and rates to suit their needs with members and visitors having the options to gain preferential charging rates via the Get Connekted app or quick pay via the quick pay QR option (via Apple Pay / Google Pay).

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